Customization guide - ILCE-9M2 / 7RM4 / 7RM4A

Manual focus

7. Magnifying the area where you want to focus when focusing manually

When you adjust the focus manually, such as when using an A-mount lens, a manual focus lens, or a lens without signal contacts, etc., you can quickly magnify the area where you want to focus by assigning the [Focus Magnifier] function to a custom key.
We recommend assigning it to an easy-to-operate button such as the AF-ON button. If you often move the magnification position away from the center, we recommend assigning the function to the center of the multi-selector or the center of the control wheel.

Advance preparation MENU → Camera Settings2 → [Custom Key] → Select the desired key for assignment. → [Focus Magnifier]
Shooting The focus magnification scale switches every time you press the assigned key. To return the magnification position to the center, press the C4 (Delete) button.
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8. How to turn the peaking display on/off in the manual focus modes

You can turn the peaking display on or off quickly while shooting in the manual focus (MF) or direct manual focus (DMF) mode. We recommend assigning the function to an easy-to-operate button, such as the AF-ON button.

Advance preparation
  1. Configure the peaking level and color beforehand using MENU →Camera Settings1 → [Peaking Setting].
  2. MENU → Camera Settings2 → [Custom Key] → Select the desired key for assignment. → [Peaking Display Sel.]
Shooting You can switch the peaking display on/off by pressing the assigned key.
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9. Magnifying the area where you want to focus right after moving the position of the focus magnifier

Center button of the multi-selector,Custom Button 4

In the manual focus mode, you can move the magnified position using the multi-selector. When using an A-mount lens, a manual focus lens, or a lens without signal contacts, etc., you can magnify the image right after you move the position by assigning the [Focus Magnifier] function to the center button of the multi-selector.

Advance preparation MENU → Camera Settings1 → [Initial Focus Mag.] → Set to a magnification other than [x1.0].
MENU → Camera Settings1 → [AF in Focus Mag.] → [Off]
MENU → Camera Settings2 → [Custom Key] → [Multi-Slc Center Btn] → [Focus Magnifier]
MENU → Camera Settings2 → [Custom Key] → [Custom Button 4] → [Focus Standard]
Focus Mode: MF
Focus Area: Any movable setting, such as the flexible spot
Shooting Align the position of the flexible spot with the area that you want to magnify using the multi-selector. Then, press the center button of the multi-selector to magnify the area.
  • If you set [Initial Focus Mag.] to a magnification other than [x1.0], you can instantly magnify the image by pressing the center button of the multi-selector once.
  • If you set [AF in Focus Mag.] to [Off], you can cancel the focus magnifier function simply by pressing the shutter button halfway down.
  • Press Custom Button 4 (C4/Trash Box button) to move the magnified area back to the center while using the focus magnifier function. To move the magnified area back to the center when you are not using the focus magnifier function, press the button to which you have assigned the [Focus Standard] function. You can unify the operations by assigning the [Focus Standard] function to Custom Button 4.
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