Customization guide - ILCE-9M2 / 7RM4 / 7RM4A


13. How to protect or rate images

Assign the [Protect] or [Rating] function to a custom key during playback. This lets you sort recorded images quickly. We recommend assigning the function to the C3 button so that you can move to the next image using your right hand, and select the assigned function using your left hand.

Advance preparation MENU → Playback → [Custom Key] → [Custom Button 3] → [Protect] or [Rating]
During playback Move to the next image using your right hand, and select [Protect] or [Rating] with the C3 button using your left hand.
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14. How to play back only protected images or rated images

You can jump between images during playback, playing back only protected images or images set with a particular rating. You can select the front dial or the rear dial to perform this function. Use operating parts other than the selected dial (such as the control wheel) to play back all images. In this way, you can choose the playback method that suits your purpose.

How to jump between only protected images using the front dial, and play back all images using the rear dial
Advance preparation
  1. MENU → Playback → [Image Jump Setting] → [Select Dial] → [Front Dial]
  2. MENU → Playback → [Image Jump Setting] → [Image Jump Method] → [Protect Only]
MENU → Playback → [View Mode] → [Date View]
During playback You can play back protected images only using the front dial, and all images using the rear dial.

View Mode in the index display

You can also select [View Mode] from the index display instead of setting it from the MENU.

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15. Playing back and magnifying images more quickly after shooting

If you frequently check the focus in the playback mode after shooting, you can perform this operation more quickly by assigning the functions for entering the playback mode and magnifying images in the playback mode to the same button.

Advance preparation MENU → Camera Settings2 → [Custom Key] → [AF-ON Button] → [Playback]
During playback Enter the playback mode by pressing the AF-ON button, and then press the button again to magnify the image.
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