SAL50M28 - PXW-FX9 |Compatibility Information

- Autofocus cannot be used.
- Available with a Mount Adaptor.
- The SteadyShot is not supported.
- The operating noise of the lens, such as during zooming and focusing, may be recorded during movie recording.
- Auto iris adjustment is not available in movie mode.
- Changing the iris during recording may create operating noise or make the screen brighter during operation.
- Autofocus cannot be used.
- Available with a Mount Adaptor.
- The SteadyShot is not supported.
- The operating noise of the lens, such as during zooming and focusing, may be recorded during movie recording.
- Auto iris adjustment is not available in movie mode.
- Changing the iris during recording may create operating noise or make the screen brighter during operation.
- Autofocus cannot be used.
- Available with a Mount Adaptor.
- The SteadyShot is not supported.
- The operating noise of the lens, such as during zooming and focusing, may be recorded during movie recording.
- Auto iris adjustment is not available in movie mode.
- Changing the iris during recording may create operating noise or make the screen brighter during operation.
- Autofocus cannot be used.
- Available with a Mount Adaptor.
- The SteadyShot is not supported.
- The operating noise of the lens, such as during zooming and focusing, may be recorded during movie recording.
- Auto iris adjustment is not available in movie mode.
- Changing the iris during recording may create operating noise or make the screen brighter during operation.
- Autofocus cannot be used.
- Available with a Mount Adaptor.
- The SteadyShot is not supported.
- The operating noise of the lens, such as during zooming and focusing, may be recorded during movie recording.
- Auto iris adjustment is not available in movie mode.
- Changing the iris during recording may create operating noise or make the screen brighter during operation.