Note on viewing 3D images
  • Do not watch 3D images shot with this camera for extended periods of time on 3D-compatible monitors.

  • When you view 3D images shot with this camera on a 3D-compatible monitors, you may experience discomfort in the form of eye strain, fatigue, or nausea.
    To prevent these symptoms, we recommend that you take regular breaks.
    However, you need to determine for yourself the length and frequency of breaks you require, as they vary according to the individual. If you experience any type of discomfort, stop viewing the 3D images until you feel better, and consult a physician as necessary.
    Also refer to the operating instructions supplied with the device or software you have connected or are using with this camera.

  • Note that a child’s eyesight is still at the development stage (particularly children below the age of 6). Consult a pediatrician or ophthalmologist before letting your child view 3D images, and make sure he/she observes the above precautions when viewing such images.
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