Creators' Cloud

Connection overview

  • The description below refers to “the computer” or “the PC,” but it applies to the iPad as well. A USB-LAN conversion adaptor is required when using the application on an iPad.

Single connection

Illustration showing direct connection of a camera and the computer using an Ethernet cable

Connect the camera directly using an Ethernet cable. Disconnect the network beforehand if the PC is connected to other networks, including Wi-Fi. It takes about 30 seconds until the camera is recognized.

Illustration showing connection of a camera and the computer via a router using an Ethernet cable

Connect the camera via a router using an Ethernet cable.

Multiple connection

Although up to 20 cameras can be connected according to the specifications, we recommend connecting up to 6 cameras when you use them simultaneously.

Illustration showing connection of multiple cameras and the computer via a router or hub using an Ethernet cable

Connect multiple cameras via a router or a hub using an Ethernet cable.