In Map view, images with location info can be managed and played on a map.
If you have difficulty finding the current location when you zoom in to the maximum level, check the rotating globe linked to the map.
A thumbnail list is shown for images that have location info. You can check the image type in the thumbnail area.
This icon is displayed for 3D images in the thumbnail area. Images can be viewed in 3D on a 3D-compatible TV.
*The icon is displayed for images in MP4 SBS format, images in 3D/MVC format taken with a Sony digital camera or video camera, movies, and still images in MPO formats.
*The icon is not displayed for images taken in AVCHD SBS format.
This icon is displayed for movies in the thumbnail area.
Items without either of the above icons are 2D photos.
Start slideshow. (More details)
Play images in digest playback (playback with highlights). (More details)
Play images in travel playback (playback with map). (More details)
Add images to Mylist. (More details)
Edit images. (More details)
Upload images to an external service. (More details)
Deselect images that have been selected.
Edit the date/time taken for images. (More details )
Edit the location info of images. (More details )
Press thebutton to select multiple images. Items can be deselected in the Sub Menu.